Monday, February 15, 2010

Tuning Protocol

The second CASW session was held on 8th February 2010. The participants were Mrs. Sumi Waran, Mrs. Anusuya Roy, Mr. Shibnath Chakraborty, Ms. Archana Joseph, Ms. Bhagyalakshmi and myself. We started at 8:30.
This time I chose the standard XII research on Stress as the student’s piece of work. The reason for choosing that was to clarify some of my doubts that I had related to the research and also to see if my facilitation during the research was good enough to carry out the research successfully and how can I modify it. The objective of the research on stress was to understand the causes and effects of stress on adolescents. The research was evaluated at every step. A lot of draft questionnaires were constructed and discussions held before finalizing the questionnaire the students would administer on the sample. Followed by that they were taught to analyze the quantitative data and interpret it.
I provided the CASW participants with a few copies of the research work and clearly stated the background of the research study. Mrs. Sumi Waran facilitated my session.

My key questions were as follows:

How far does the research help the students to understand the causes and effects of stress?

2. Are there any modifications required to enable the students to research better on
the topic?

I received both warm and cool feedback from the participants. I took 15 minutes to present the students work. I told the participants the details of the research, the format in which it was conducted and how the students were taught to analyze the results. I explained the time provided to the students to do the research, how it was broken up into separate components, the number of drafts they had to work on before finalizing the interpretation and conclusion.
Once the background information was provided to the participants they discussed amongst themselves the nature of the research and focused on my key questions. Some of the suggestions they had were that I should probably provide the students with a model project before starting on the research. However, they felt that it was definitely an experiential process of learning about the stressors and its effects on the adolescent age group. The participants felt that the research does help the students to understand the causes and effects of stress as the students themselves frame the questionnaire, administer it and interpret the results. Besides since each student conducted the study they got a varied idea about the stressors and it effects.
As far as modifying the research process, the participants felt that I can discuss the student’s research results with other such research work to see the extent to which the results can be generalized.
The overall feeling was that it was a good way to contextualize the content and make learning more meaningful. I do agree that a model research work would have added more clarity to the student’s idea on how to go about the research initially. However since I kept guiding the students I felt it wont be much of a problem.
The session reiterated the significance of holding CASW sessions as it helps to enhance ones teaching skills. Feedbacks from colleagues are essential to keep one motivated and to stay focused.

1 comment:

  1. Your key questions for the Tuning Protocol session were incisive and open ended enough. Your point in response to the participant discussion that sharing the model research paper before the learning activity could sometimes make students then just ape the model, is well -founded.

    However, it is a good idea to keep previously assessed papers as samples of A and B grade work that can be shared the next time around as exemplars of what A or B grade work looks like - with the names of students kept confidential, of course. This provides benchmarks that explain the grading criteria without encouraging cloning of the work.

    If the CASW experience keeps you motivated and helps you to understand how students learn, then the effort is well worth it.
    Well done.
    Tara and Dharma
